致力“走出去”: 厦门大学国际经济法研究团队科研“国际化”的初步实践

发布人: 刘洁 | 发布时间: 2011-06-21 | 阅读数:
近年来,厦门大学国际经济法研究团队努力“走出去”,实践科研“国际化”,在向世界传递我国国际经济法研究的最新成果、提出我国国际经济法学者的主张方面,取得了初步的成效。 该团队成员积极向《世界投资与贸易学刊》(The Journal of World Investment & Trade)和《国际经济法学刊》(Journal of International Economic Law)等国际性专业学术期刊投稿,成果突出。兹以享誉国际经济法学界的《世界投资与贸易学刊》(瑞士日内瓦出版)上的发文情况为例,自2006年1月至2011年4月,该团队成员在该期刊上发表学术论文共计17篇,占该期刊同期发文总数(205篇)的8.29﹪,居世界各法学院校和研究机构团队在该期刊同期发文总数之前列。其中,该团队学术带头人陈安教授发表论文6篇,创该期刊同期发表学术论文数的最高纪录。曾华群教授、蔡从燕教授分别发表论文3篇。据统计,同期在该期刊发表(含合著)论文数达3篇以上的作者仅有14位,该团队占了其中3位。 通观该团队成员的上述研究成果,可简要概括其主要特色如下: 第一,开阔的国际视野。在17篇论文中,分别探讨了“WTO的法治、立法、执法、守法与变法”、“南南联合自强五十年的国际经济立法反思”、“ICSID管辖权裁定”等国际经济法领域的重要论题,充分反映了该团队关注和跟踪本学科领域的理论前沿,具有开阔的国际视野。 第二,坚定的中国立场。在17篇论文中,共有11篇包含了“中国”或“香港”等主题词,其余6篇也是分别从中国视角或立场出发,对相应的国际热点论题进行深入论证,积极参加国际争鸣,向国际同行传递我国国际经济法学者的学术判断和基本主张,并向我国政府提出相关对策、建议,生动体现了该团队成员“知识报国,兼济天下”的学术情怀。 第三,系统的理论成果。在17篇论文中,有11篇的论题集中于“国际投资法”领域,包括“双边投资条约”、“投资争端解决”等重要内容。另有4篇论述“WTO法”专题,包括“WTO的法治、立法、执法、守法与变法”、“WTO宪政秩序”、“中国在WTO中‘一国四席’问题”及“中国参与WTO争端解决问题”等重要内容。这直观地反映了该团队凝练重点研究方向,协作攻关,有效实现了理论成果的系列化。 第四,重要的学术影响。陈安教授撰写的论文《南南联合自强五十年的国际经济立法反思》被“南方中心”前秘书长Branislav Gosovic先生誉为来自中国的“对第三世界思想体系的重大创新”, “为当代全球弱小民族国家提供了用以抗衡强权和抵制霸权的理论利器和实践工具”。 2010年,曾华群教授、陈辉萍教授和池漫郊副教授应邀赴巴黎参加联合国贸易与发展会议(UNCTAD)和经济合作与发展组织(OECD)联合主办的“第二届国际投资条约研讨会”,并作大会报告和讨论;蔡从燕教授应邀就OECD秘书处起草的《利用投资自由促进绿色增长》(草案)提供修改意见,阐述中国学者的主张。这些事例从不同侧面反映了该团队成员的研究成果已产生了一定的国际学术影响。 第五,可持续的发展态势。上述学术成果的作者中既有以身作则的学术带头人,又有年富力强的学术骨干,更有朝气蓬勃的青年师生,显示出该团队优良的学术传承和可持续的发展态势。 (康安峰 蒋围) 附录:厦门大学国际经济法团队发表于《世界投资与贸易学刊》 (2006年1月-2011年4月)学术论文的论题与摘要 1. An Chen, Some Jurisprudential Thoughts upon WTO’s Law-governing, Law-making, Law-enforcing, Law-abiding and Law-reforming, Volume12 Number 2, 2011. Abstract: Against some views presently prevalent in domestic and foreign academia, the author proposes a number of different opinions and suggestions for deliberation. China has been a WTO Member for 9 full years and has entered the 10th since its accession. Chinese people ought to promptly summarize the experiences accumulated during the first 9 years, and to dialectically and scientifically dissect and estimate the status quo of WTO regime, its law-making, law-governing and law-enforcing, so as to improve their understanding and to guide their practice hereafter. China and the international weak groups shall not be limited only to “abide by” and “adapt to” current WTO laws. They also need to acquire proficiency in the operation of WTO through practice, so that they can attain the goodness and avoid the harmfulness at its maximum. Meanwhile, they shall also through practice distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, and thoroughly probe into varied provisions and “rules of the game” which are obviously disadvantageous and unfair to them. Thus, they shall further conscientiously contemplate the law-reforming direction of the current WTO regime. Through “South-South” Coalition, through the agglomeration of their individual powers, and through the promotion in law-reforming, the weak groups will not only strengthen up themselves, but also impel the current legal system and law-governing of WTO to advance with times for the benefit of the whole world. 陈安:《论WTO体制下的法治、立法、执法、守法与变法》,载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2011年第12卷第2期。 摘要:在中国加入WTO“满九晋十”之际,针对目前国内外学界流行的某些看法,提出若干商榷意见和建言,是很有必要的。中国人亟宜认真总结加入WTO九年 以来的实践经验,对WTO的体制及其立法、法治、执法的现状,进行一分为二的科学剖析和判断,提高认识,用以指导今后的新实践。中国和国际弱势群体既要在WTO现存体制中“守法”和“适法”,在实践中精通其运行规则,使其为我所用,最大限度地趋利避害;又不应仅仅局限于“守法”和“适法”,而应当在实践中明辨是非臧否,深入探究WTO现行体制中对国际弱势群体明显不利和显失公平的各种条款规定和“游戏规则”,认真思考其变革方向,并通过“南南联合”,凝聚力量,推动“变法图强”,促使WTO法制和法治与时俱进,造福全球。 2. An Chen, Queries to the Recent ICSID Decision on Jurisdiction Upon the Case of Tza Yap Shum v. Republic of Peru: Should China-Peru BIT 1994 Be Applied to Hong Kong SAR under the “One Country Two Systems” Policy, Volume 10 Number 6, 2009. Abstract: An investor from Hong Kong, Mr. Tza Yap Shum, applied for ICSID’s arbitration on the allegation that the host state Peru Government took expropriation of his fish flour company. It was reported that this is the first Chinese investor submitting a dispute against a host state to ICSID for arbitration since 1993 when China formally acceded to the ICSID Convention. The main issue then focused on whether the ICSID’s Tribunal is competent for the jurisdiction on the disputed case. It mainly depends upon whether the China-Peru Bilateral Investment Agreement of 1994 could be directly applied to Hong Kong Special Administration Region under “One Country, Two Systems”. Recently on 19 June 2009, the ICSID Tribunal issues a Decision on Jurisdiction, maintaining that the Tribunal has jurisdiction on and is competent for the specific Case. However, this article, from a jurisprudential perspective, finds that the Tribunal has no jurisdiction on and is not competent for the specific Case. Consequently,the said Decision is incorrect, unreasonable and unacceptable. 陈安:《对香港居民谢业深诉秘鲁政府案¬ICSID管辖权裁定的四项质疑:适用于“一国两制”下的中国香港特别行政区吗?》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2009年第10卷第6期。 摘要:香港投资人谢业深(Mr. Tza Yap Shum)援引1994年《中国—秘鲁双边投资协定》(以下简称《中-秘BIT 1994》),以秘鲁政府为被申请人,未经东道国同意,径自单方向ICSID申请仲裁,声称秘鲁政府对他在秘鲁境内设立的一家鱼粉公司采取了征收措施。据报导,这是1993年中国正式加入ICSID公约以来,由中国投资人把其与东道国之间的争端提交ICSID仲裁的第一宗案件。涉讼双方争议首先聚焦于ICSID仲裁庭对本案是否具有管辖权。对这一问题的回答主要取决于《中-秘 BIT 1994》可否直接适用于“一国两制”下的中国香港特别行政区。本案仲裁庭于2009年6月19日作出裁定,确认该庭对本案具有管辖权。本文从国际法规范和法理学角度,对上述裁决提出质疑,认为依据国际公约、国际协定、中国法律以及香港基本法,本案仲裁庭的上述管辖权裁定是无理的、错误的、违法的、可以申请撤销的。 3. An Chen and Dong Chen, What Should Be China’s Strategic Position in the Establishment of New International Economic Order? With Comments on Neo-Liberalistic Economic Order, Constitutional Order of the WTO and Economic Nationalism’s Disturbance of Globalization, Volume 10 Number 3, 2009. Abstract: Since the temporary decline of the movement of establishing New International Economic Order (NIEO) from 1980s, various theories are mushrooming in international law community, such as “Neo-liberalistic Economic Order”, “Constitutional Order of the WTO” and “Economic Nationalism’s Disturbance of Globalization”, etc. By analyzing and criticizing these theories, this article is aiming to emphasize that campaigning for the establishment of the NIEO is the common struggling goal for billions of people of the weak states. China should have an accurate comprehension of Deng Xiaoping’s foreign policy and be consistent with her strategic positioning as a reformer of the existing international economic order and also as an active promoter in the establishment of the NIEO. 陈安,陈东:《论中国在建立国际经济新秩序中的战略定位——兼评“新自由主义经济秩序”论、“WTO宪政秩序”论、“经济民族主义扰乱全球化秩序”论》 , 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2009年第10卷第3期。 摘要:20世纪80年代以来,国际社会中力图阻挠或扭曲建立国际经济新秩序(NIEO)历史潮流的各种学说层出不穷,诸如“新自由主义经济秩序”论、“WTO宪政秩序”论、“经济民族主义扰乱全球化秩序”论等等。这类学说虽然激发了一些新的有益思考,却确实造成了一系列新的思想混乱。建立NIEO乃是20世纪50年代以来全球弱势群体数十亿人口争取国际经济平权地位的共同奋斗目标,当代中国人应当全面、完整、准确地加深理解邓小平的“韬光养晦、有所作为”方针,将中国在建立NIEO历史进程中的战略坐标和基本角色,定位为旗帜鲜明、言行一致的积极推动者。中国理应进一步发扬传统的具有独特内涵的中华民族爱国主义,通过BRICSM类型的“南南联合”群体,成为建立NIEO的积极推手和中流砥柱之一。总之,中国人务必保持清醒,谨防落入上述各种“时髦”理论的陷阱。 4. An Chen, Distinguishing Two Types of Countries and Properly Granting Differential Reciprocity Treatment—Re-comments on the Four Safeguards in Sino-Foreign BITs Not to Be Hastily and Completely Dismantled, Volume 8 Number 6, 2007. Abstract: Some FDI dispute settlement provisions in Sino-foreign BITs are open to question. In future negotiations, for seeking benefits and avoiding harms, China needs to keep a clear mind, stand on its own national situations, learn lessons from international practices, enhance its sense of risk, uphold the rights authorized by international conventions and flexibly use the four authorized rights as “safeguards”. Thus, China should distinguish the North and the South countries, properly grant differential reciprocity treatment, and explicitly exclude the general application of the MFN clause to FDI dispute settlement procedures. To achieve that, China needs to strike for proper balances between “absorbing FDI inwards” and “promoting CDI outwards” and between protecting the legitimate rights of foreign investors and safeguarding the sovereignty and essential security of the host country, so as to play a model role for developing countries. 陈安:《区分两类国家,实行差别互惠:再论ICSID体制赋予中国的四大“安全阀”不宜贸然全面拆除》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2007年第8卷第6期。 摘要:当代各类“双边投资协定”(BITs)的具体条款不一。其中有一类条款要求东道国全面拆除四大“安全阀”,即全盘放弃“逐案审批同意”权、“当地救济优先”权、“东道国法律适用”权以及“重大安全例外”权。中国作为发展中国家,如果无条件、无差别地全盘接受这些要求,势必背离当代国际公约对东道国的授权规定,漠视联合国权威机构的反复告诫, 不符合中国当前的现实国情,无视晚近发展中国家BITs缔约实践的沉重教训,无视两类东道国的最新立法转轨。因此,中国今后在有关BITs的缔约、修约谈判中,切宜保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识,善于掌握四大“安全阀”,趋利避害,区分南、北两类国家,实行差别互惠,明文排除最惠国条款对争端程序的普遍适用。中国应当善于在“吸收外资”和“向外投资”之间、在“保护外商合法权益”和“维护东道国主权与安全”之间,保持恰如其分的综合平衡,从而切实维护中国的应有权益。 5. An Chen, Should the Four Great Safeguards in Sino-Foreign BITs Be Hastily Dismantled?---Comments on Provisions concerning Dispute Settlement in Model U.S. and Canadian BITs, Volume 7 Number 6, 2006. Abstract: China has concluded bilateral investment treaties (BITs) with more than 110 countries and continues to negotiate new treaties and revise some existing ones. It is recognized that, in recent relevant negotiations, some BIT drafts provided by foreign counter-countries are based on the U.S. or Canadian Model BITs with moderate modifications. This article examines some critical provision concerning dispute settlement in the U.S. and Canadian Model BITs. The author considers that such provisions, in essence, require the host country to abandon the four great safeguards—i.e. the rights to “consent case by case”, to “exhaust local remedies”, to “apply the host country’s laws”, and even the right of invoking the “exception for the State’s essential security”. Such requirements not only deprive some rights authorized by relevant international conventions to host countries and conflict with the current circumstances in China but also ignore the bitter lessons provided by some developing countries, such as Argentina, and the shift in the latest legislations of some host countries. Hence, China, in its new round of negotiating BITs, should insist on stipulating in those BITs such rights authorized by relevant international conventions and preserve the Four Great Safeguards so as to strike proper balance between protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors and upholding China’s sovereign powers, as well as to play a model role in the establishment of reasonable legal norms for transnational investment activities, thereby benefiting the New International Economic Order. 陈安:《中外双边投资协定中的四大“安全阀”不宜贸然拆除 ── 美、加型BITs谈判范本关键性“争端解决”条款剖析》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2006年第7卷第6期。 摘要:迄今为止,中国已经与110多个国家缔结了“双边投资协定”(BITs)。目前还正在进一步与一些国家谈判缔结新的BITs或修订原有的BITs。据悉,在近期的上述谈判中,有些外国向中国提供的谈判文本,是以美国、加拿大的BITs范本作为蓝本,略加增删而成,其基本内容,大体相同。本文以美、加BITs范本为主要对象,针对其中若干关键性“争端解决”条款的设计,加以剖析,指出这些条款实质上要求吸收外资的东道国全盘放弃“逐案审批同意”权,放弃“当地救济优先”权,放弃“东道国法律适用”权,甚至放弃“重大安全例外”权。这些要求,不符合当代国际公约对吸收外资东道国的授权规定,不符合中国当前的现实国情,无视于晚近发展中国家(如阿根廷)实践的沉重教训,无视于晚近东道国的最新立法转轨。因此,中国在有关谈判中,应当保持清醒头脑,立足于本国的现实国情,吸取国际实践的有关教训,增强忧患意识,坚持有关国际公约的授权规定,善于掌握四大“安全阀”,趋利避害,在“保护外商合法权益”和“维护东道国主权权益”之间,保持恰如其分的综合平衡,进而在确立跨国投资合理规范和建立国际经济新秩序的过程中,发挥应用的示范作用。 6. An Chen, A Reflection on the South–South Coalition in the Last Half Century from the Perspective of International Economic Law-Making—From Bandung, Doha and Cancún to Hong Kong, Volume 7 Number 2, 2006. Abstract: This article traces the historical practice of the South–South coalition in the South–North conflict to innovate international economic law. By meditating on the historical experience and taking into consideration of the new fruits of the WTO’s Hong Kong Ministerial Conference, the author explores the historical track of the South–South coalition in renovating international economic law-making. The author argues that the weak nations should be united to reach their goal, since there is sharp contrast of power between the “strong North and the weak South”. The South–South union can only approach its aim with patience without being blindly optimistic, because any expectation of instant success is far from the reality. On the other hand, because interdependence between the South and the North and the majority of the South and the minority of the North is the trend of the time, even possible setbacks or ruptures of the negotiations after the Hong Kong Conference will not necessarily lead to the paralysis or collapse of the WTO multilateral trading system. Struggling with tenacity is the necessary path of the South-South coalition to strive for its inherent interests and the renovation of international law. 陈安:《南南联合自强五十年的国际经济立法反思──从万隆、多哈、坎昆到香港》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2006年第7卷第2期。 摘要:WTO体制及其各项规则乃是国际经济法的一个重要组成部分。四年来举世瞩目的多哈发展回合谈判, 说到底,乃是有关现行国际经贸立法进一步除旧布新的全球性多边磋商。多哈回合谈判于2001年底启动,2003年在WTO“坎昆会议”上因南北矛盾激化不欢而散。事后,各方又于2005年12月举行WTO“香港会议”,就多哈回合重启新一轮谈判,初步打破了僵局,但仍留下关键性争端难题,悬而未决。看来,2006年以内及其以后,势必又将面临另一番南北角力,前景难卜。本文根据五十年来发展中国家在南北矛盾中实行“南南联合自强”、力争更新国际经济立法的主要史实,并结合WTO“香港会议”的最新发展,以史为师,尝试探索和论证通过南南联合自强、更新国际立法的历史轨迹,指出:由于“南弱北强”的实力悬殊,弱小民族要求更新国际经济立法、改变国际经济旧秩序的联合奋斗,只能在步履维艰中曲折行进,不能急于求成或盲目乐观,因此“速胜论”是缺乏足够根据的;另一方面,由于“南北依存”和“南多北寡”(得道多助,失道寡助)的时代潮流,WTO“香港会议”之后即使谈判再度受挫或破裂,WTO多边体制也未必就此陷于瘫痪瓦解,无须过于失望悲观,因此“瓦解论” 也是缺乏足够根据的。弱小民族要求逐步更新国际经济立法,争得自身应有权益,舍韧性的南南联合自强,别无他途可循。 7. Zeng Huaqun, Initiative and Implications of Hong Kong’s Bilateral Investment Treaties, Volume 11 Number 5, 2010. Abstract: Hong Kong (HK) has concluded 15 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) in its name since 1992. The new development demonstrates remarkable achievements in practice of HK’s external autonomy and indicates an important breakthrough and initiative in the history of BITs. Based on the provisions of HK Model BIT and relevant treaty practice, the article discusses and analyses some key provisions of HK’s BITs, such as provisions on authorization, scope of application, investment treatment, deprivation and compensation, and dispute settlement. The author points out that though HK’s BIT practice in general follows the traditional practice it has some characteristics due to its non-sovereign status. The great implications of HK’s BIT practice are to provide the model for HKSAR, Macao SAR and Chinese Taipei, to strengthen the high autonomy of HKSAR, and to make important contributions to the development of international law. 曾华群:《香港双边投资条约的创新与意涵》, 《世界投资与贸易学刊》2010年第11卷第5期。 摘要:自1992年以来,香港以其名义签订了15项双边投资条约(BITs)。这一新发展显示了香港对外自治权实践的显著成就,也反映了BIT历史的重要突破和创新。基于香港BIT范本条款和相关条约实践,本文研析香港BITs的重要条款,如授权、适用范围、投资待遇、剥夺与补偿、争端解决等条款。作者指出,一般而言,香港的BIT实践遵循了传统模式,因其非主权实体地位,也具有一些特征;香港BIT实践的重要意义是,为香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和中华台北提供了相关模式,加强了香港特别行政区的高度自治权,为国际法的发展做出了重要贡献。 8. Zeng Huaqun, Unprecedented International Status: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the HKSAR’s External Autonomy, Volume 9 Number 3, 2008. Abstract: This article demonstrates three points: (1) that the HKSAR’ s external autonomy develops a new component of autonomy and thereby strengthens and enriches the content of the theory of autonomy; (2) that the successful practice of the HKSAR’ s external autonomy in such aspects as special positions in international organizations and conferences, autonomous treaty-making power, special arrangements for applying treaties and relations with other regions in China demonstrates convincingly that the HKSAR enjoys and develops its unprecedented international status; and (3) that the characteristics of the HKSAR’ s external autonomy include authorization nature, double legal grounds and international guarantee. 曾华群:《史无前例的国际地位:香港特别行政区对外自治权的理论与实践》, 《世界投资与贸易学刊》2008年第9卷第3期。 摘要:本文从三方面展开论述:(1)香港特别行政区对外自治权拓展了自治权的新领域,从而增强和丰富了自治权理论的内涵;(2)在国际组织和会议中的特殊地位、单独缔约权、条约适用的特殊安排及与中国其他地区之间关系等方面的对外自治权实践充分表明,香港特别行政区享有并发展了其史无前例的国际地位;(3)香港特别行政区对外自治权具有授权性质、双重法律依据及国际保障等方面的特征。 9. Zeng Huaqun, "One China, Four WTO Memberships": Legal Grounds, Relations and Significance, Volume 8 Number 5, 2007. Abstract: Hong Kong region, Macao region, China, and Taiwan region all became WTO members one after another in accordance with the WTO relevant provisions. The situation of “one China, four WTO memberships” in the WTO regime has emerged. The relations among the four members are not only the relations of equal members within the WTO regime but also the relations of different customs regions within a sovereign State. The main features of the relations among the four members include equal representation and participation in the WTO institutions and decision-making, separate claim and liabilities systems as well as equal participation in regional trade agreements. The significance of “one China, four WTO memberships” is to reflect the latest development of international law, to strengthen the consensus of the one-China principle in international society, and to provide new opportunities for four members to establish closer economic relations. 曾华群:《“一个中国,四个WTO成员资格”:法律依据、相互关系及重要意义》, 《世界投资与贸易学刊》2007年第8卷第5期。 摘要:根据WTO有关成员资格的规定,香港地区、澳门地区、中国和台湾地区相继加入WTO,形成了WTO体制中“一个中国,四个WTO成员资格”的局面。上述四个WTO成员相互之间的关系既是WTO体制中平等成员之间的关系,也是同一主权国家中不同关税区之间的关系。四个成员相互之间的关系主要体现在WTO 机构和决策中的平等代表和参与权、单独的申诉和责任制度、区域贸易协定的平等参与权等方面。“一个中国,四个WTO成员资格”的重要意义是,反映了国际法的新发展,强化了国际社会对“一个中国”原则的共识,为四个成员相互之间建立更紧密的经济关系提供了新契机。 10. Cai Congyan, Structure of Arbitrators and Its Implications towards ICSID Mechanism: An Empirical Analysis, Volume 9 Number 3, 2008. Abstract: The dramatic increase of international investment disputes and special characteristics of international legal rules concerning investment make it arbitrators who play a very important but somewhat uncontrollable role in the settlement of investment disputes. In this article, the author first analyzes the special characteristics of ICSID mechanism and its arbitrators. The author then conducts an empirical study of the structure of ICSID arbitrators during the period 1996–2007 and finds that nationals from developing States poorly participated in the ICSID arbitration mechanism from the perspective of being constituents of arbitral tribunals. The author argues that the current situation of the constituency of ICSID arbitral tribunals will damage the legitimacy of ICSID mechanism. Based upon that, the author reviews some trends of ICSID mechanism and provides some suggestions to reform it. 蔡从燕:《ICSID投资仲裁中的仲裁员组成及其启示:一个实证分析》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2008年第9卷第3期。 摘要:国际投资争端的剧增和国际投资法律规则的特性,使得仲裁员在投资争端解决中具有非常重要但又有些难以控制的作用。本文作者首先分析了ICSID投资仲裁机制及其仲裁员的特性,然后对自1996年至2007年期间ICSID仲裁员组成进行了实证研究,最后得出了从仲裁庭组成的视角看来自发展中国家的仲裁员参与ICSID仲裁机制严重不足的结论。本文作者认为,ICSID仲裁庭组成的现状将损害ICSID投资仲裁机制的正当性,据此对ICSID投资仲裁机制的某些发展趋势进行了探讨并提出了若干改革建议。 11. Cai Congyan, Change of the Structure of International Investment and the Development of Developing Countries’ BIT Practice—Towards A Third Way of BIT Practice, Volume 8 Number 6, 2007. Abstract: There is an ought-to-be close relationship between the structure of international investment and developing countries’ bilateral investment treaty (BIT) practice. In this article, the author reviews historically the characteristics of the structure of international investment and developing countries’ BIT practice before and after the 1990s and assesses the relationship between them. Based upon that, the author analyzes the possible development of and risks incurred by developing countries’ BIT practice from the perspectives of conservatism and liberalization respectively in the new heterogeneous context rather than the traditional homogeneous context. Furthermore, the author proposes that the Development-Oriented approach, rather than the dichotomy of conservativeness and liberalization, should be established as a Third Way to guide the future BIT practice of developing countries. Some suggestions are provided in particular towards the future BIT practice of China, a leading capital exporter in the developing world. 蔡从燕:《国际投资结构变迁与发展中国家双边投资条约实践的发展——迈向双边投资条约实践的新思维》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2007年第8卷第6期。 摘要:国际投资结构与发展中国家的双边投资条约(BIT)实践之间有着密切的联系。本文首先讨论了20世纪90年代之前与之后国际投资结构的特点及其与发展中国家BIT实践之间的关系。继而本文分别从保守及自由化的不同进路分析了发展中国家BIT实践的可能发展与风险。并且,在定性并批判了以往表现为保守或自由化的BIT实践旧思维之后,提出了以发展为导向的BIT实践新思维,期待有益于发展中国家未来的BIT实践。 12. Cai Congyan, Outward Foreign Direct Investment Protection and the Effectiveness of Chinese BIT Practice, Volume 7 Number 5, 2006. Abstract: Traditionally, China has been a major capital importer in the field of international investment. Following the implementation of the so-called Going Abroad strategy in 1998, China has had more and more national international interest in capital export. Various particularities of Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) makes it imperative for China to establish an OFDI protection system in which bilateral investment treaties (BITs) would play an important role. In fact, recent Chinese BIT practice has manifested its determination to offer OFDI protection. In the opinion of the author of this article, however, the current Chinese BIT practice, which reflects Chin’s new OFDI policy rather than Chinese OFDI activities, is wholly ineffective to protect its OFDI. The author also suggests that Chinese BIT practice should strike a balance between the protection of inward FDI and OFDI and make Sino-foreign BITs more targeted, controllable and predictable. 蔡从燕:《对外直接投资保护与中国的双边投资条约实践》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2006年第7卷第5期。 摘要:传统上,中国在国际投资领域一直是主要的资本输入国之一。自1998年实施“走出去”战略以来,中国在资本输出方面拥有日益重要的国家利益。中国对外直接投资的多样性使其建立对外直接投资保护体制势在必行,其中双边投资条约(BIT)将发挥重要作用。事实上,中国最近的BIT实践表明了其为对外直接投资提供保护的决心。然而,在本文作者看来,当前中国BIT实践反映了其对外直接投资的新政策而非对外直接投资活动,在整体上没有起到保护对外直接投资的效果。因此,作者建议中国的BIT实践应当在保护外国直接投资和本国对外直接投资之间寻求平衡,并使中外BIT更具有针对性、可控性和可预测性。 13. Chen Huiping, The Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Where to Go in the 21st Century? Volume 9 Number 6, 2008. Abstract: The recent decade has seen new trends limiting or even abandoning the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDSM) by both developing and developed countries. These new trends reflect the emerging consensus between developing and developed countries that if ISDSM is not included in future multilateral investment agreements, such as WTO or UNCTAD agreements, as it was in the AUSFTA, it will be easier for such an agreement to be concluded in the 21st century. 陈辉萍:《21世纪的投资者与东道国争端解决机制:何去何从?》载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》,2008年第9卷第6期。 摘要:最近十年,在发展中国家和发达国家都出现了限制、甚至弃置投资者与东道国争端解决机制的新趋势。这些新趋势反映了发展中国家和发达国家正在形成一种共识——即使在将来投资者与东道国之间争端解决机制不能包含在诸如WTO或UNCTAD协议般的多边投资协定中,那么在21世纪其将更容易包含在如美—澳自由贸易协定那样的双边协议中。 14. Chen Huiping, China–ASEAN Investment Negotiations—The Substantive Issues, Volume 7 Number 1, 2006. Abstract: China is currently negotiating with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to establish the China–ASEAN Free Trade Area. The negotiation of an investment agreement between the two Parties is included. General consensus has been reached by the two Parties as to the basic contents of the future agreement. However, substantive controversies exist as to the issue of investment liberalization, including the necessity to include such liberalization, the feasibility of realizing it, and the modalities to address “progressive liberalization”. The modality debate is the unresolved problem. The author suggests modalities for the liberalization-related issues, specifically, definitions for “investor” and “investment”, market access (opening-up of industries), national treatment and pre-establishment national treatment. 陈辉萍:《中国-东盟投资协议谈判:实体问题》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2006年第7卷第1期。 摘要:中国目前正与东南亚国家联盟谈判以建立中国—东盟自由贸易区,其中包含投资协议谈判。双方就投资协议的基本内容已经达成一般共识。但是,在投资自由化问题上存在实质性争议,包括投资自由化的必要性、实现投资自由化的可行性及处理“逐步自由化”的谈判模式。谈判模式之争是未解决的问题。本文作者对与自由化有关议题的谈判模式,具体而言包括“投资者”和“投资”的定义、市场准入(开放的行业)和国民待遇及准入前国民待遇问题提出了建议。 15. Xiuli Han, China’s First Ten Years in WTO Dispute Settlement, Volume 12 Number 1, 2011. Abstract: As the tenth anniversary of the China’s accession to WTO is quickly approaching, this article aims at empirically investigating China’s performance in WTO dispute settlement. China faces two unbalanced situations as complainant and as defendant before the WTO, and the imbalance is reflected in two aspects: quantity and quality of the cases. China has to face increasing disputes with its economic development and prevalence of trade protectionism in the current world. China has realized that it should build up diplomatic capacity and legal capacity to utilize WTO dispute settlement system actively. As a country with striking progress in economic development, China’s performance is of great international concern. China would maintain the multilateral dispute settlement system which benefits all WTO members. 韩秀丽:《中国在WTO争端解决中的十年》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2011年第12卷第1期。 摘要:该文旨在通过实证研究考查和总结中国于入世十周年中在WTO争端解决中的表现。在WTO争端解决中,中国作为原告和作为被告的情势是不平衡的,这种不平衡主要体现在案件的数量和质量两个方面。由于中国经济的快速发展和世界经济危机下贸易保护主义的盛行,中国必然会面临越来越多的WTO争端,中国的经济制度甚至其他社会制度的某些方面也将面临严峻挑战。中国应该加强其积极灵活利用WTO争端解决机制的外交能力和法律能力。而作为一个在经济发展方面取得骄人成就的国家,中国在WTO争端解决机制中的表现吸引着国际社会的极大关注,中国应该维护有益于所有WTO成员的多边争端解决机制。 16. Xiuli Han, Environmental Regulation of Chinese Overseas Investment from the Perspective of China, Volume11 Number 3, June 2010. Abstract: With the increasing international attention to environmental pollution aroused by China’s overseas investment, the overseas environmental protection, as a legal issue faced by China’s government and overseas investors, attracts the author’s interest. At present, the legal obligations that could play normative roles on environmental problems, including different existing regulations from Chinese law, international law and the administrative law of international organization, are not enough. Therefore, the author suggests that the Chinese government, as the parent state, should be careful to overseas environmental protection and adopt more legal measures from national and international levels actively to deal with the overseas environmental problems. At the same time, the need for international organizations to play a part in regulating China’s overseas investment cannot be ignored. 韩秀丽:《中国海外投资的环境规制》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2010年第11卷第3期。 摘要:随着国际社会对中国海外投资造成的环境污染的关注,海外投资的环境保护作为中国政府和中国海外投资者面临的一个法律问题,引起了笔者的思考。目前,能对此类环境问题起规范作用的法包括东道国法、中国法、国际法及国际组织的行政法,但来自这些法的规制还是不充分的。所以,笔者建议中国政府,作为投资者的母国,应该注意到海外环境保护,并从国内层面和国际层面采取更多的法律措施,积极地处理海外投资的环境问题。当然,尤其不能忽视国际组织和国际法在规制中国海外投资环境方面所能起的重要作用。 17. JI Ye, Voluntary “Westernization” of the Expropriation Rules in Chinese BITs and Its Implication: An Empirical Study, Volume 12 Number 1, 2011. Abstract: The expropriation rule in bilateral investment treaty (BIT) is an important aspect to analyze the Chinese BIT policy transition in the past thirty years. An empirical study shows that, coherent with the overall development of the global BITs, the expropriation rules in Chinese BITs have deviated from their traditional approach of “appropriate compensation”, but are more and more close to the “Hull formula” purported by the developed countries. However, such westernized policy shift is not necessary out of the practical needs to protect the increasing Chinese overseas investment. More importantly, it follows the logic of China’s market-oriented economy, and demonstrates the Chinese Government’s increasing focus on the protection of private property including foreign investment. Meanwhile, such policy shift also implies China’s changing attitude towards international law. 季烨:《中国双边投资条约中征收条款的自愿“西化”及其启示:一个实证研究》, 载于《世界投资与贸易学刊》2011年第12卷第1期。 摘要:双边投资条约(BIT)中的征收条款是分析中国三十年来BIT政策转变的一个重要方面。实证分析表明,与全球BIT的发展形势相一致,中国BIT在征收问题上也逐渐偏离了“适当补偿”的传统观点,并越来越接近发达国家所主张的“赫尔公式”。但这并不必然是中国保护其日益增长的海外投资的需要,在更大程度上,这种转变是其选择了以市场为导向的发展路径的必然结果,它表明了中国越来越注重对包括外资在内的私人财产权的保护,也隐含着中国对国际法态度的转变。

